Aviation Job Search

Airline Lineperson

Position Description

Linepersons are employed by fixed base operators (FBO's) and handle a variety of duties. The lineperson meets the arriving aircraft, guides it to and secures in it in the appropriate parking area, fuels and services the plane, inspects the craft for low tire pressure or fluid leaks, and generally serves as the FBO greeter. The lineperson at an FBO has a lot more customer contact than at a large airline, since at a smaller facility the pilots and passengers expect more personal service. Many times linepersons will also coordinate rental cars, catering, and other services for pilots and passengers.

Typical Requirements and/or Experience

A lineperson position is the typical way to enter the FBO market as well as into the air industry in general. Most linepersons are just starting their aviation careers. Experience is not required, although a few years of solid work history is a definite advantage. People skills are a must since dealing with customers is second only to taking care of aircraft. Most positions are not advertised, so don't hesitate to just show up at your nearby FBO.

Wages and Benefits

Salaries and benefits can vary. For an updated look at salaries in the aviation industry, view the Avjobs.com Salary Report.

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The aviation industry has gone through periods of tremendous success and innovation, and periods of intense challenges. Today, aviation plays a critical role in our economy and the future of aviation will depend on business and personal travel, aviation fuel costs, and government subsidy and intervention.

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